Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ode To Useless Presentations

An opiated silence rushes
Through the alleys of brain
Diffusing the endless drones
To a comfortable torpor.

Through glazed eyes
I see intelligible squiggles
Interlacing the illuminated bed
Created by the projector.
Puddles of ludicrous raphsodies
Weave inside the skull-
Now a quagmire of absurdity.

Onerous doodles on the notepad
Attempt to rejoin the erudite whispers
Failing utterly
Denting the superego.
Id reigns the cacophony
Beckoning Morpheus
A sharp nudge dislodges slumber
Dragging conscious
Back to the listless ennui of presentations!


Nikesh Rathi said...

Nice one!

The term/ jargon - 'Death by PowerPoint' indeed seems true!

Krazy Krimson said...


tsk tsk

the excruciating pain of labouring under a fruitless task.. explicitly captured :D

Prapti Banerjee said...

Thanks Guys!
As anticipated, the fellow sufferers of our Brotherhood would identify with the dark humour.